
    We consider Alzheimers Disease to be a treatable, and potentially reversible disease from the early to late stages of the disease.  We hold that it is not a genetically inherited, or familial situation.  It is our theoary there are three underlying causes of the disease.  It is also our position that Alzheimers Disease begins in the Medulla Oblongata of the brain up to five years before there is any indication of affliction, and barely detectable physical changes are signs that may become noticeable after the first two to three years.  

    The major difference in our theory and that of current medical (allopathic) beliefs is that the brain cells are NOT dead, only DORMANT, and can be revived.  Our theoretical approach is a novel concept in the treatment of AD, and thus our position that the disease can be reversed.  The darkened areas of a PET scan in an AD patient are currently acccepted by medical science as dead cells.  Our position holds that the cells in the dark areas cells are only dormant.  the dormancy resulting fromthe placque coatings on the cells and neurons which prevent electrical activity in these regions.  Thus, if the placque can be removed in time, the brain cells and neurons will become active once again.

    The therapy is an all natural product and each oral supplement course lasts ten days.  We recommend two or more therapy courses to assure therapeutic completion.  The greatest difficulty encountered in patient therapy involves the taste issue.  Almost all AD patients express much resistance to many food groups or taste issues during and after the onset of the disease.  This will likely be from our experience, the single most difficulty in treating AD patients with this therapy.  The supplement contains a high amount of a particular ingredient generating a taste that patients object to, and which leaves a spicy aftertaste.  This resistance is more difficult to overcome in mid to late stage patients for which the caregiver is less able to have convincing rational or explanatory conversations.  We have found that mixing the supplement with certain foods can lessen the taste issue, yet the patient must consme several ounces four times per day.

    The therapy is available at a very reasonable cost plus shipping charges, and varies upon market price of ingredients.  A full course may only cost several hundred dollars.  If it works on your loved one, tens of thousands will be saved in housing, caregiver and current medications in the first year alone.  There is nothing to lose except the disease, and everything to gain from a supplement trial.

    If you know someone that has Alzheimers and may be interested in a trial, please email for more information at Trials.
We prefer that the AD patient has been conclusively diagnosed using a PET scan.  While there are two other froms of testing for AD, these are considered to be good screening aides, and not validly conclusive.  There are other froms of dementia, however our therapy will help only AD patients due to the specific type of temporary affliction on the brain until the very late stages of AD.  Other forms of dementia are considered to be a permanent disability type of affliction on the brain, and we agree with ongoing medical science as to this prognosis.  A PET scan will confirm diagnosis of the disease, and will provide a benchmark to compare later scans for any recovery that may be achieved using this therapy.  The AJ-10 supplement is designed to work only with Alzheimers, not other forms of dementia.

Legal Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of the theoretical claims being made that this will work as suggested.  This R&D is still in the theoretical stage of development and research.  The FDA has not been asked to review or approved this therapy in any manner.  No supervised clinical trials have been initiated at this time.  Only ad hoc trials with in home therapy is currently available through this website after completion of an Informed Consent Notice, a Liability Waiver and payment is received to offset costs and shipping charges.  Confirmation of the disease via a PET scan is not required for trial participation, although it is highly desired to confirm AD and for benchmarking the therapy process.  No other claims express or implied are made for the therapy of AD patients.

Early Symptoms & Tests

    In researching and developing a treatment for Alzheimers Disease (AD), several observations regarding how the disease may affect the senses, physical functions or motor skills have come to light.  If they can be validated, they may help to serve as early warning signs of AD.

    There are no established chemical tests for Alzheimers, and may likely never be as there is no chemical change or imbalances to measure, it is only an increase in the placque or tau.  The only distinguishable test is a PET scan that will confirm areas of inactivity in the brain for all types of dementia.  Alzheimers typically being different in the randomness that is recognizable, versus a consistent pattern found in Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD).

    The following lists may comprise a series of symptoms to indicate the onset of the disease prior to its’ destructive progression.  The following symptoms may occur in this general order, or vary slightly as a marker test for the onset of the disease.  The first list relates to possible signs for the physical aspects.  The second list is related to how it may affect the senses as a secondary aspect of the disease upon the primary physical functions.

    Our research model suggests the onset of Alzheimers Disease is very slow, and may begin as early as four years before any noticeable dementia or dysfunction is apparent.  The model suggests to us that onset begins in the base of the brain stem, the Medulla Oblongata, which controls the nervous system, before progressing into the cerebral brain area.  This would result in interfering with the physical senses and motor skills prior to any noticeable cognitive dysfunction of the brain and memory.

    The first set of symptoms concerns the motor skills or functions that may be affected by the progressive onset of the disease.  Your help in recalling and verifying the occurrence of any symptoms, and the order in which might recall them, will help us to more accurately define and validate this list.

Scratch & Sniff Test from Univ of Pennsylvania


  Initial Symptoms/Stages

  • Fatigue - Bouts of extreme fatigue that last about 2-3 hours and then disappear.  The cause of the fatigue has no apparent reason associated with these bouts that come and go.
  • Vision - Bouts of cloudiness in vision that may occur 2-3 times a day, and last about 5-10 minutes each time.
  • Heart Rate - Periods of elevated heart rate 5-6 times per day lasting about 10 minutes plus or minus.  Example – 70 is normal rate, might elevate to the mid 90’s for these short periods and fall back to normal rate.
  • Imbalance - Uneasiness standing on the feet, swaying, and similar to bouts of vertigo or inner ear imbalance.  Related to the affect on a person’s hearing.
  • Bad Breath - Foul breath would be constantly present.  Use of garlic or garlic salt should be avoided.
  • Lightheaded - Waves of light headedness lasting about 15 minutes each, and gets progressively worse in the following weeks.

    Final Onset Stage:

  • Forgetful - Forgetfulness starts to set in after the appearance of the above symptoms and is noticeable to patient or observers.

Alzheimers Effect on the Physical Senses

    If the above tests can be substantiated, it would further support the theory of AD starting in the base of the skull in the Medulla Oblongata (MO) area of the brain may be correct.  The physical functions might be more succinctly affected in the latter stages, and it would appear to make sense that sensory nerve endings of the MO can also be affected by tau.  The result would be to have an earlier effect on the sensory functions, which may be easily overlooked as being slight or fairly imperceptible over the course of time.   The majority of AD patients are elderly and many of these could be attributed to normal age related decline.

    The type of cell structure in this area differs slightly in structure or makeup from brain cells.  Due to the nature of the MO as the principal nerve control center of physical functions, it could imply that tau may form on these cells.  The resulting action of the tau on these cells would cause differences or slight dysfunction of the sensory nerves.

    The list below is primarily a theoretical list of the sensory afflictions resulting from AD.  Research studies, primarily of smell, have confirmed the effect upon the physical senses.  Your help in defining or clarifying these noticeable effects on the physical senses will help us to compile a more accurate list for further testing.

Various Sensory Tests for Alzheimer’s

  • Taste – If subject historically liked/favored peppermint, and/or perhaps even if they didn’t.  Offering them peppermint candy for example, they might outright reject it, or even politely refuse it.  Observe what happens if they accept it.  They may put it aside, slyly hide it from your view, or something else to keep from eating it.  The important aspect to observe is their reaction.  It may take the form of a surprised look.  How they refuse it, reject it, hide it are all aspects to carefully observe.
  • Hearing – Certain types of loud, screeching types of sounds.  Tires screeching against pavement, overly loud obnoxious music, children screaming, or the like, will likely aggravate an AD patient, or perhaps cause a reaction as if it was enough to run them up the wall.  Again, the observation is critical in how they respond.  Aggravation, anger, nervousness might be symptoms that might be demonstrated in the patient.
  • Sight – Gradual loss or reduction in visual acuity is a part of old age, there may be more apparent differences in AD patients.  Testing their sight for perceptual and depth may reveal limitations of half as much a normal person of their age group.  This would be exhibited in distance problems, depth perception and other aspects of limited vision.  A good test would be the standard eye test, which might limit their ability to see or recognize the chart below the fourth line with or without corrective lenses.
  • Smell – Tests for foul, pungent or offensive odors should be included in any test batteries to determine if there is something to this aspect of the physical senses.  Recent research has indicted ten specific smells that AD patients react to in some manner.
  • Touch – It might be presumed that touch would be affected as well, as in different types of rough or smooth textures may provoke certain responses not previously a factor to the patient.  The opposite effect should be considered as well.  An AD patient may continually stroke or rub a certain texture for their pleasure or amusement.